Hillgate Village Residents’ Association
October 2024
Post meeting update
Despite the weather, there was a good turnout for our AGM on Tuesday October 1st. Formal minutes will be available shortly, but here is a briefing on key issues. We are very grateful to Fiona Fleming-Brown (Pembridge Association) who spoke about the Notting Hill Gate Action Plan, and our ward Councillor Lloyd North, who discussed current issues within and bordering our area.
We were delighted to welcome so many new members and thank you to all our existing members who renewed their memberships. If you'd like to renew, please do so at: https://www.hillgatevillage.com/membership.
A reminder to those that couldn't make the meeting - we are looking for new committee members! Please come and join our friendly committee to support our lovely area. The only requirement is a little bit of your time and some enthusiasm...
Notting Hill Gate Draft Action Plan
Fiona Fleming-Brown of the Pembridge Association explained the concerns of “3RA” (the informal coordination group between HVRA, Campden Hill RA and the Pembridge Association) on this scheme from RBKC’s “Growth and Delivery team” .
Fiona highlighted concerns about the proposed removal of traffic lanes (especially next to The Gate Cinema which would create a pinch point); the need for maintenance and replacement plans and funding for greening; and problems in making Pembridge Gardens a cul-de-sac despite the commercial traffic making deliveries to hotels, etc. in that street. She also said that Notting Hill Gate has tended to be neglected, as it forms a boundary between Residents' Associations and three Conservation Areas and wards, with no-one overseeing it until the formation of the '3RA'.
Councillor Lloyd North said our formal submission is being considered in the Council, and we await further news.
Use it or Lose it....
As noted in our last newsletter, if locals do not use the shops and entertainment (cinema and theatre) at NHG we will gradually lose them.
Gate listings: https://www.picturehouses.com/cinema/the-gate
Coronet programme: https://www.thecoronettheatre.com/whats-on/
The atmospheric bar at the Coronet (ticket holders only)
SOS/Holland Park Roundabout
This £6m roundabout scheme - proposing to send cyclists across the middle of the busiest roundabout in the area - is also seen as a Trojan Horse for the revival of the Holland Park Avenue cycle lane, which was overwhelmingly rejected at a Town Hall meeting in 2019. Like the Oxford Street pedestrianisation scheme, this issue may rise up the public agenda in the next few months.
Councillor Lloyd North mentioned this at the meeting and said that TfL‘s reaction to local opposition to its “flawed” consultation was that it was “not a referendum“. But the members of Save Our Streets (SOS), who are leading opposition, represent a large cross-section of our community:
The Kensington Society
Campden Hill, Clarendon Cross, Holland Park and Hillgate Village Residents' Associations
Norland Conservation Society (chairing);
Pembridge Association;
Holland Park Avenue Traders Association;
SIAL & Norland Place Schools.
SOS reps met our local MP, Joe Powell, on October 3rd and will meet Will Norman (TfL “Cycling Tsar”) next month; and a cross-party group of our Councillors has a separate meeting with Joe Powell this week.
Find out more here: https://sos10.co.uk/
It would be helpful if you could email Joe Powell ASAP, preferably copying Lloyd North and ourselves, to support the arguments on that website; individual emails carry more weight collectively than a petition. Email addresses are:
Joe.powell.mp@parliament.uk; Cllr.Lloyd.North@rbkc.gov.uk; Hillgatevillage@outlook.com
Please note that SOS was advised by Joe Powell last week that cost arguments will not sway TFL, as they have a separate pot of money for cycling issues.
The meat of the SOS arguments is on their “Facts and Data” and “What people are saying” pages. But in addition, Fiona Fleming Brown pointed out at our AGM that Imperial College have now said they will action their promised cycleway, some way north of the roundabout. This will take some of the pressure off Holland Park Avenue.
Other Issues
1. Lloyd North mentioned assistance with winter fuel allowance; working with the graffiti team (please report any issues to Streetline: https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/search?query=Streetline ); the importance of Safer Neighbourhood panels for addressing policing, cycling issues and shoplifting; housing projects at Earls Court, Kensal Canalside & Acklam Rd, and Business Improvement Districts.
2. Cllr Joanna Gardner mentioned a public meeting at 6:30pm on October 28 at the Town Hall on e-bike use in our area:
3. Fiona clarified that the public art (elephant etc) at Newcombe House had been donated to the Council by Notting Hill improvements group, which now has a say in where those items will be refixed. Lloyd North confirmed these items will be renovated and restored.
4. The Newcombe project is progressing well. To receive regular updates, you can visit www//Newcombehouse.info to join their mailing list. They also plan a public meeting at Essex church, provisionally set for Tuesday, October 29th at 6.30pm. You can find their latest newsletterhere.
Committee changes
Sandrine Westcott has taken over as chair, and delivered Sophie Massey Cook’s prepared remarks as Sophie was unable to join us. Fortunately, Sophie has agreed to continue as Vice Chair on a transitional basis.
There have been 3 resignations – Alex Burrows (Secretary), Deborah Collinson and most recently Anna Crona. We thank them all for their contributions over the years. Deborah Collinson made a special contribution regarding film shoots, notably in 2022.
The revised committee is below. If you might be interested in joining, or assisting the committee, please email us - we'd love to hear from you!
Sandrine, Westcott – Chair
Sophie Massey Cook – Vice-Chair
Sam Dunkley - Treasurer
Laura Masson - Secretary
Hilary Naqvi - Assistant Treasurer
Charlotte Pennington - Events
Katrina Allen
RBK&C Consultations
Finally, a couple of consultations on which RBK&C is seeking residents' feedback:
The evening/night time economy - your experiences using the area after 6:00pm:
Developing the Portobello Road:
Traffic alert: TfL will be closing the Westway between Wood Lane and Marylebone at weekends from November 2024 to May 2025, which is likely to significantly increase traffic through Holland Park and Notting Hill Gate. More information here.