Hillgate Village Residents’ Association

February 2025

Dear Members and Supporters,

We will try to take the items below in order of priority, starting (most importantly) with our drinks party at Campden Hill LTC: 

Drinks Party Social: Wednesday 12th March 6-8pm

At the Campden Hill Lawn Tennis Club: https://www.chltc.co.uk/

The Tennis Club at 9 Aubrey Walk is kindly allowing us to host this informal drinks party. We look forward to seeing as many as possible of you to meet your new committee, discuss current issues and get to know some of your neighbours! 
We have invited Ward Councillors (Lloyd North, Catherine Faulks and Preeti Hudd) to mingle and listen to any concerns, but this is primarily a social evening and no speeches are planned. We also hope to be joined by “3RA” colleagues - Fiona Fleming Brown (Pembridge Association) and Isidore Margaronis and David White of Campden Hill Residents' Association.
Numbers are limited to 40 people, so please let us know on hillgatevillage@outlook.com if you'd like to come - book early to avoid disappointment!  And likewise please also let us know if you book and find you're unable to make it, as we will run a waiting list.
The Tennis Club is accessed by external stairs to the first floor. If anyone has difficulty with those, the emergency exit at pavement level can be used to access the lift. There will be some seating available in the drinks area on the first floor, overlooking the courts.
As it's an event for the benefit of our members and supporters, we will not be charging for entrance or drinks & nibbles; but we would be grateful if those of you who have not renewed your membership could visit our website to do so, before or after the event:

https://www.hillgatevillage.com/membership - £15 yearly per household

We look forward to seeing you there!

The HVRA Committee

Resident parking permits for 2nd home owners : RBKC consultation 

RBKC are proposing to extend permits to drivers whose main residence is outside the borough, but who have a second home within the borough.  Currently they are not allowed to apply for permits.
It claims that a slight overall reduction in the use of resident parking across the borough justifies this, and that it would generate approx. £350,000 per year in extra revenue.


  • Parking in Hillgate Village is NOT under-utilised and it can be difficult for residents to find a place - this would make things worse.

  • Our proximity to the Central Line means some second home owners might use their permit to commute and park their car in our streets.

  • Residents of new developments are not allowed permits, so where is the logic in granting these to second home owners?

  • Visitor permits would be a useful alternative which could raise revenue and benefit existing residents.

You can make your views known on this link here: 


Pleasenote the closing date of February 23rd. 

Unless we hear otherwise (at hillgatevillage@outlook.com or by conversations with the committee) HVRA will formally object by the deadline above.

Security issues

Sadly, these continue to grow, and apart from the rise in shoplifting and knife crime we note:

  • There has been a well spoken confidence trickster reported repeatedly in the area, claiming to have been locked out of his house/needing money for a taxi to hospital/etc.  There's also a lady claiming to be the 'housekeeping' and hoping to be let in by builders, etc.

  • Norland Conservation Society warned of aggressive break-in attempts in Pottery Lane in their last newsletter.

  • Charity “chuggers”, e.g. Battersea Dogs Home, recently knocking on doors up to 9pm at night (which is, surprisingly, allowed by the relevant guidelines). 

  • Fake QR codes on 'Pay to Park' signs - please ensure you do not use these to pay for parking.

  • On rough sleepers, the council recently issued this useful guide as to how they should be helped https://www.rbkc.gov.uk/housing/homelessness-0/help-homelessness/rough-sleeping

If you wish to report anything suspicious please call 101, or 999 in an emergency.

Newcombe House progress (and Notting Hill Gate Improvement Plan)

While we have heard of considerable noise experienced by some members in Jameson Street, we have had no emails of complaint. We conclude the redevelopment is progressing smoothly - along the lines explained at the developer's meeting last year. 
If you do have any specific complaints, you can get in touch via their websitehere(where you can access all relevant documents).
On the related “Notting Hill Gate improvement plan”, we have not heard any further firm news since the lengthy and detailed response from ourselves and our neighbouring residents' associations (3RA) was lodged with RBKC in September. 

Holland Park roundabout update

The Save Our Streets (SOS) Group were disappointed to report that Transport for London (TfL) are proceeding with the plans to install a cycle route through Holland Park roundabout, mixing car and cycle traffic on the approach.  This is likely to increase congestion, diverting drivers and cyclists onto surrounding streets.  It's especially frustrating as there is an existing cycleway which could be upgraded without the problems outlined above.  There have been almost no accidents involving cyclists on this roundabout in the last 3 years, so it's unclear what problem this change is trying to solve.
Together with repeated closures of the Westway, we anticipate serious traffic issues in the coming months. The long term effects of the scheme are likely to increase traffic pollution, and diversion of traffic to currently quiet side streets.

Licensing issues

Belugarestaurant on Notting Hill Gate recently applied for 2:00am opening, 7 days a week.  Following HVRA objections and representation at the licensing hearing, this was modified to 1:30am on Thursdays and 2:00am on Fridays and Saturdays only, with alcohol sales stopping 30 minutes before closing.  Deliveries were also restricted to 8am onwards.

Once one establishment has permission for late night operating, it's very easy for others to request the same, so we are scrutinising everything that's applied for!

Akubrestaurant - they are required to have a residents' meeting as a condition of their license.  A recent meeting we attended focused on early deliveries, which are causing huge annoyance to neighbouring properties (average time of 6:18am).  Our local councillors are getting involved.

Archer Street(bar on Notting Hill Gate) - again, a regular meeting which raised a few instances of customers causing disturbances when leaving in the early hours.

Final Divertissement

Thank you for reading this far. We traditionally end with a more lighthearted or historical item. 
This one is serious and historical, but quite fascinating – a personal history of Virginia McCutcheon, who lived through WWII in Shanghai:
